Heung Nam Han
Seoul National University, Korea
Presentation title: Hole Expansion Failure of Steel Sheets
Heung Nam Han earned his Ph.D. in Department of Metallurgical Engineering at Seoul National University, Republic of Korea in 1995. In 1996, he joined Department of Materials, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, as a postdoctoral researcher. From 1997 to 2002, he has made many contributions on modelling of microstructure prediction during steel processes in POSCO Research Laboratory. From 2003 to 2004, he joined a research group for the development of TRIP-aided multiphase steels in Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS). Since 2004, he has been a professor in Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Seoul National University, Republic of Korea. Now, he is in charge of head of Department and Steel Research Center of Research Institute of Advanced Materials (RIAM). He received Young Scientist Award, Yoon Dong Suk Award and Suk Cheon Academic Award from The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials in 2000, 2014 and 2017, respectively. He also received Henry Marion Howe Medal from ASM international in 2016. His research interests have been concentrated on Transformation-Induced Plasticity, Microstructure-based Finite Element Model including Crystal Plasticity, Mechanical Behavior for High Stength Steel, Texture Development of Metals during Recrystallization, Nano-indentation of Materials, Electroplasticity and Electric Current Induced Phenomena in Materials.